Monday, 13 October 2014



Ferdinand de Saussure is a French theorist and believed that all the ways in which humans communicate, such as through flags, smoke signals, religious ceremonies and cloths, could be looked at and analysed as if they were actual language and Saussure named this as 'semiotics'.

De Saussure believed that images can be categorised in three ways. Firstly, images can be symbols, such as a shot of a flag means 'patriotism'. Secondly, images unlike words can work through resemblance. The image of a star resembles the actor/actress with that star career. When an image communicates through resemblance it is referred to as an 'icon'. Thirdly Saussure also developed the idea that an image can communicate non visual information through a casual link or symptom. For example, smoke when seen in a film comes to signify fire. This type of signs is referred to as an 'index'.

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