The Continuity Task we have completed was a good practice before we take on the task of completing our final product. The task we did as a group went well and we have learnt many things about the process of editing and filming and the other elements which are needed to make a production successful.
To start off, our group understanding of the preparation and practical of the production of our film was broadened due to the amount we had to do before the filming process even started. The storyboard and shot list were the most vital pieces of work for this task as it needed to have the detail of location, characters, camera angles and mise en scene for the understanding of the idea to be communicated throughout the group, and for a general understanding of the finished product before starting. Without the visual storyboard, and the shot list to obtain details of timings of clips, we would have found the overall process a lot harder due to a clash of ideas or a lack of understanding of the steps which needed to be physically filmed, which would have resulted in missing off multiple objections which needed to be included in this task. This then resulted in these two pieces of prep being some of the most successful elements of our process.
Overall the filming process went well as we were able to use prep work to help us throughout, and group discussions about ideas also helped the flow of the filming as we could communicate without troubles of clashing ideas. This was mainly down to a bond in our groups which helped the compromise of thoughts benefit the result of the product. Despite this there were still troubles which we encountered. To start off we were not able to film all of the wanted clips in one day which delayed the product as we had to find time which suited us all to meet up and film the rest. This time between filming then created further problems, as simple mistakes such as character clothes being different between clips made the product unprofessional as it didn't look like the clips flowed throughout. This further delayed the product as we then wasted time filming something which wasn't needed and it was only till the editing process we realised, so this was something we then re-filmed and editing again to make correct. Whenever we did film, we made sure we had a range of clips, meaning that we would re-shoot a section multiple times from various angles so that we could collective choose the best clips for the product which improved the final result. Another challenge we encountered was the locations chosen were hard to have free of people for the idea we wanted to portray. This added some extra time to the filming process to ensure we were filming the scene when unoccupied of people, however it was worth the time as we were able to film not long after realising.
The result of the product went well. It included a variety of camera angles which suited the wanted effect of the content. It generally followed the 180 degree rule as in some parts it wasn't as obvious as it should have been, which is something I should have investigated in much more depth in advance as I was not very knowledgeable of the idea behind it and what its effect is. I feel I demonstrated a range of skills throughout the task, through the initial ideas and storyboarding, through to the justification of camera angles when shooting and helping with the editing process of the collected clips. For the next task of our final product, I can use what I have learnt about the overall process. I now know about the time keeping side of the process and how evaluating choices throughout are key to the success, for example time was wasted as location wasn't thought about in too much depth as we didn't considered other people. I have also learnt about how important the flow of clips throughout the product is, which will be highly thought about though out the next task as we made silly mistakes like character costumes changing because of timings of filming. Although I demonstrated skills on elements such as the storyboarding and camera angles, I would further like to expand my knowledge on the editing side of the process as I only edited certain sections of the task and would like to have more experience in this area to further help the group in the next task.