Characters: UPDATE
In regards to the earlier post in which states that Stephanie Jones will be carrying out the role of the teen student (victim), this is no longer the route in which my group will be taking due to our difficulties relying on somebody outside of the group in which we also experienced within our continuity task. Although Stephanie fits the ideal profile, by using her as the main character within our sequence it was calculated that this would set us back two weeks in crucial filming time due to the lack of matching schedules (free periods did not coincide). This was not decided during a group discussion, however Lily and myself took it upon ourselves to make the decision for the group that this was in fact a downfall which could be prevented.
Since the change in actress's our filming has become much easier to plan for filming time which has resulted in more film footage for our final piece. This is much better as we have a larger range of clips which will suit the sections within the edit which gives us a higher chance of producing an overall better piece as we can select the best suited clips for each section.
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